SkillsUSA Louisiana Championship
Be sure to monitor the contest updates page on the State website to be informed of any changes and materials needed for each contest.
The Conference App is being finalized and will be made public in the next week or two.
Learn to Leverage “The SkillsUSA Advantage” Report
Join other advisors and stakeholders on March 21 at 3:30 p.m. ET for a webinar on the new “SkillsUSA Advantage” report, which highlights how SkillsUSA experiences create purpose, passion and skill in every student. SkillsUSA Executive Director Chelle Travis and Chief Diversity Officer Dr. Ricardo Romanillos will discuss the report’s findings that SkillsUSA members consistently outperform peers who are not enrolled in career and technical student organizations (CTSOs). Attendees will receive resources, including two digital reports and a PowerPoint deck to help you share this information with school administrators, community leaders and others as you advocate for SkillsUSA and career and technical education. Register by March 19 and participate in the session to be eligible for door prizes.
New Skills Jam Docuseries
We are excited to announce that SkillsUSA has partnered with the Skilled Careers Coalition to produce Skills Jam — a docuseries that follows SkillsUSA students on their journey to the national conference in Atlanta. We are searching for applicants with the following credentials:
Must be a high school student
A highly skilled student with the anticipation of doing well at the SkillsUSA state conference
Skills represented in the entertainment industry (Special FX, Set Design and Production) *
Do you know of an excellent student to nominate for the Skills Jam video series? Submit your nomination form by March 24.
*For more information and to view the complete list of qualifying skills, visit our webpage.
Focus Students on Safety
The CareerSafe National Youth Safety Video Contest challenges students to create a two-minute video demonstrating workplace safety. Send submissions to CareerSafe by April 30. The winning students will receive a SkillsUSA prize pack and a scholarship of up to $2,500, and the winning school will receive a prize of up to $5,000. For more information and to submit your entry, visit the CareerSafe website.
College Cable Grants from Lowe’s
The Lowe’s Foundation has launched Cable Grants: a commitment to preparing the next generation of skilled tradespeople. Through the Cable Grants program, the Lowe’s Foundation will provide $50 million over the next five years to community and technical colleges and community-based nonprofit organizations. Those funds will help prepare 50,000 people for skilled trades careers. This program will provide grantees with funding for two years, helping develop a community of skilled tradespeople. Lowe’s is looking for community and technical colleges working to increase the number of young and diverse people in the workforce, especially from underrepresented and rural communities. Lowe’s is currently accepting unrestricted grant applications from community and technical colleges through April 10. For more information about the Lowe’s Cable Grants program and to apply go here. An informational webinar with the newly appointed Lowe’s Foundation Director Betsy Conway will be held on March 22.
#KeepCraftAlive Scholarship
SkillsUSA, in partnership with Fine Homebuilding Magazine, will present multiple $2,500 scholarship awards to SkillsUSA members enrolled in 11th and 12th grades or in a college/postsecondary institution. SkillsUSA members in the home construction fields are eligible to apply. Eligible pathways include residential wiring, HVACR, masonry, carpentry, cabinetmaking and plumbing. Scholarship awards are paid out directly to the recipients’ tuition balance for the term immediately following high school graduation. Selected recipients will be announced in the Spring of 2023. Eligible students are strongly encouraged to apply via an online application by March 31 at 11:59 p.m. ET. For questions, email Megan Flinn.
Seeking Musical Talent to Perform National Anthem at NLSC
Do you have a musical gift to share with the SkillsUSA community? If so, apply to perform the national anthem at the opening session of SkillsUSA’s National Leadership & Skills Conference this June. The chosen performer will be offered complimentary conference registration if their sole purpose of attendance is to perform the national anthem. Apply by 5 p.m. ET on Friday, April 28. For questions, contact Joey Baker.
Official SkillsUSA Competition Apparel
With competition season in full swing, there is no better time to visit the SkillsUSA store and set yourself up for success! Shop for competition attire, the newly designed SkillsUSA blazer or the official SkillsUSA white polo to safety goggles and everything in between.
Press Release Template for State Conference Participants
New on the SkillsUSA Advocacy site is a press release template designed to help your state conference participants share their competition results with their local media. Parents, instructors, students or anyone can send these emails to newspapers or TV stations in your area. Please spread the word about this important tool; this is a great assignment for school or state reporters! For questions, email Jane Short.
On May 4, SkillsUSA National Signing Day will celebrate high school seniors and college/postsecondary students who have chosen to pursue careers as professionals in the skilled trades. SkillsUSA chapters are encouraged to host a Signing Day event and invite business partners, school administrators, teachers, elected officials, SkillsUSA alumni, family and friends to honor graduating seniors as they sign “letters of intent” for a job offer, apprenticeship or advanced technical training. Early bird registration opens March 13 through April 3, and registration closes April 21.
National Signing Day prize application-based opportunities:
Students can apply for a $1,000 scholarship (25 to be awarded during the March 13-April 3 application period). The scholarship application is available online.
Signing Day supply bundles valued at $500 will be awarded to 10 schools (schools must register five or more students and complete the supply bundle application during the March 13-April 3 timeframe to be eligible).
Signing Day school grants of $250 will be awarded to 50 schools to enhance their event (schools must register five or more students to be eligible). The Signing Day school grant application will begin accepting submissions by March 13.
Registered-chapter opportunities (must register by April 3 to be eligible):
The first 50 chapters that register five or more students will receive a Signing Day Welcome package, including a poster, 35 certificates and sleeves, a vinyl NSD podium sign and 35 Signing Day certificates with sleeves.
Ten schools will receive a large step-and-repeat banner and a tablecloth with the SkillsUSA logo, the Signing Day logo and the school’s name (register five or more students to be eligible).
Early registrant opportunities:
First 500 registrants receive Signing Day baseball caps.
First 250 advisors who register five or more students receive a $50 Lowe’s gift card.
Registrants will receive Signing Day table runners (while supplies last).
Advisors, check out the digital Signing Day toolkit to help plan your event and details on how to apply for these incentives. Learn more on the Signing Day webpage.
Earn Recognition and Presidential Honors
SkillsUSA will recognize advisors, students and registered alumni for their community service through the President’s Volunteer Service Award (PVSA). To qualify, SkillsUSA members must submit a record of their service hours. With SkillsUSA’s focus on community service, you may have already met the requirements. For details on how to apply, visit the website. Applications must be received by April 1.
Are You a “Maker and Fixer?” Snap-on Wants to Spotlight and Reward You
SkillsUSA industry partner Snap-on is shining a spotlight on the Makers and Fixers who keep the world moving. They seek stories about skilled people who work with their hands in the essential industries that focus on transportation — in the air, in the automotive shops or on the roads and rails. Future, past or present Makers and Fixers are invited to share their personal stories or nominate someone they admire. To share your story, visit the Share Your Story page, write about yourself and upload a few photos of you working on a project. Follow @MakersandFixerson Instagram to see if your story is shared. All eligible stories are entered into a drawing, and two stories are picked each month to win a prize valued up to $600. Visit the official rules for more information.